Im following GOD!

Im following GOD!

Ahad, 27 April 2014

Okay. Its introduction! :-D

okay guys! Thats me. hehe. first of all, im so sorry if my english is broken but no worry. i will try my best to make sure you guys understand. im student and i still learning! no wonder if my english is weak! :-D
means, i need learn more to improve my english. hehe
okay. now i want to introduce myself. actually, its not my first blog. i have another blog actually but i forgot my password already! oopss! ;-D
we continue for our introduction just now. as you know, my name is Lessica Lilian. Im Christian and i came from Sarawak, Malaysia. Absolutely im Dayaks'. the dress i worn in picture is my traditional costume. its can find easily in Sarawak and just wear by Iban people. it was call "Ngepan Iban". how say you? its nice costume right? hehe. okay, i think this is enough for our introduction. see you again in my next post! God bless!